How to Contact Me Please do not abuse the minimal contact information. At some point, I'll have a contact form back up, too. | |
I have a livejournal! The icon links to a by-subject aggregator, which is hosted here and kinda fun. In particular, I sort out the 25 most recent flower pictures and 25 most recent leaf pictures, so there's lots of art. The whole unsorted mass is here. Pick either! | |
Field Notes: IMAP Saves the World An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine discussing using IMAP4 servers to consildate and retrieve mail archives. Does not contain the usual amount of funny, but still useful. Hosted offsite. | |
All the News, All the Time The icon links to an aggregator of my convention newsletters. My latest few are Run, RUNNER!; RUN!!; and FaxCascadia, online now in PDF form. | |
Field Notes: It Just Stops Working Another article I wrote for TechNet Magazine discussing a real-life network problem at the Murknet. Somewhat amusing, hosted offsite. | |
RUN!! - the at-convention newsletter of Norwescon 29/2006 I've been doing the daily newsletter of Norwescon for some time; the 2006 edition was called RUN!! and was rather a success. I've posted PDFs. |
Field Notes: Where Did the Net Go? An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine discussing a real-life network problem at the Murknet. Somewhat amusing, hosted offsite. | |
How IT Works: IMAP4 An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine describing Internet Message Access Protocol v4, hosted offsite. | |
How IT Works: POP3 An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine describing Post Office Protocol v3rev1, hosted offsite. | |
How IT Works: SMTP An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine describing SMTP, hosted offsite. | |
FaxCascadia, at-con newsletter of the
2005 NASFiC I edited FaxCascadia, the twice-daily newsletter of the 2005 North American Science Fiction Convention in Seattle. It was fun, and went over pretty well. I've posted PDFs. Fax Cascadia |
How IT Works: Email headers An article I wrote for TechNet Magazine describing a little bit about parsing email headers, hosted offsite. | |
Robertson et Falwell delenda est.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blame me for terrorism. |
A Word from our Sponsor...
Answers to a few questions about this site. |
Corflu 2000 in Seattle
A convention report, here because I've nowhere else to put it. |
My Trip to the WTO Too much fun at the WTO Protests. |
Tracking and Fighting Spam: A Primer for Postmasters A now-rather-dated article I wrote for Microsoft Internet Developer magazine, hosted offsite. | |
You can see Murkworks North from here.
Really, you can. |
You can see Murkworks South from here.
Really, you can. |
A few thoughts on snow.
Written after the 1996 Seattle snowstorm. |