101 Days of Fun

Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004

My boss just pointed out that those of us who got in here on Station Opening day have just started our 101st day on station. Whoo! Let's hear it for arbitrary achievments.

Speaking of arbitrary or just plain odd achievments, we did hold our Film Festival and it was fabulous. Three months ago it was a wacky idea in Brian Land's brain; then it seemed like the whole station jumped on board and next thing you know we had the galley packed, standing room only, watching over 2 hours of short films (most <10mins). I tried summarizing some of them in an earlier draft of this message and they just didn't translate to print, so you'll have to take my word for it: some of them were topical or funny because we all know all the actors, but I think most of them would actually translate as quality entertainment off the Ice. Just for one example: Scott and his party reach the Pole and discover the modern Station, only to get turned away because of the NSF no-support-for-private-expeditions policy. The Station Manager played the Station Manager, standing in front of the door and offering Earl Grey tea and five-year-old-cookies....and trying not to laugh. The Store Manager also played herself, waving an ugly pewter penguin figurine at Scott and saying "Who orders this stuff?!" which is what most of us have been asking about the pewter penguins (Scott left in the movie with a whole carton of them). Most of the films went for humor, but there were a couple of stylish and nice-looking items as well. If I can get one or two in electronic form (most were on tape) I'll try to post them somewhere and see what you folks think. No promises, I don't even know how big the files will be. My zombie role turned out very well, by the way. Don't think it'll be getting me any more dates but now I've got people pointing make-believe detachable eyeballs at me in the galley....I think that means it was successful.

I hope you all had a happy Robert Burns night! We have postponed here to a Winter celebration, but I've got the haggis and bagpipe music all set (those who are responsible, you know who you are).



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