Signing off, for now

Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005

It's a beautiful day in Seattle and time for me to get some quality time with my bicycle before it snows. Thanks everybody for reading along, it sure has been a year hasn't it? I'm enjoying being home. I'm mostly normal again but every now and then I catch myself forgetting words, losing track of basic logic, or giving over-literal answers to conventional questions. I don't think it's real obvious though. Um.... is it?

I'll be in a few different places over the next couple months so please write me here to catch up.

I know I lost a couple of address change requests, sorry bout that. If you get this message anyway pls update, I won't be writing any more this year I think but you never know. I've applied for a job at Palmer, the US base over on the South American side of the continent where I haven't worked yet. Stand by.

Best to all,


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