Tell _everyone_ what they said. _Particularly conservatives_. _Particularly_ people who _like_ Robertson and Falwell. Pass it along to everyone you know and have them do the same. Emphasise what they've done; not merely insult millions of Americans, which is nothing in this time of crisis; but that they've attempted to divide the country in a time of war, and that they spat on the grave of heroes and 5,000 dead, all for petty political gain.
The extra salt atop the wound was watching the segment _after_ the interview. Robertson is _gleeful_ about this - not the comments, but about the _attacks_. He thinks it'll start a "revival" that'll sweep his kind into power.
They are both, as far as I'm concerned, traitors. Their careers must be over, immediately. Nothing should happen to them beyond that, of course, because they simply spoke. And even if I thought something should, now wouldn't be the time. There are more important things to do.
But they both _must_ be finished.
Here's the more civil version of my forward. It _is_ forwardable. Please do.
----- Falwell et Robertson delenda est -----
Many of you - and you don't know who you all are, because I'm polite enough to Bcc: rather than Cc: - are not interested in politics. Many of you have probably never written a political letter. If you're ever going to write one, this is probably the time.
Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have committed what is to my mind an act of near-treason. Their political careers must end. Now.
The quotes below, where they blame queers, pagans, the ACLU, and a few others they like to score political points against for the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC are verified against CBN video of the 13 September 2001 episode of The 700 club.
They are attempting to use a declaration of war by foreign terrorists against the United States - and arguably against all of the West - in order to advance their petty, divisive political agenda. They are doing so a mere two days after thousands of people have died by enemy attack.
I am so angry I can barely see.
Below the article excerpt is my suggested action item, and below that, the full text of the original article. The 700 Club episode is on their web site; the interview in question starts 44 minutes, 30 seconds in. Feel free to verify it yourself; I did.
Oh, and Roberson didn't just nod, he actively agreed. They are both guilty.
I know this may be rude to some of you. I'm sorry if you're offended. I know some of you are very conservative on some issues. So am I. But this is, to my mind, inexcusable.
Robertson et Falwell delenda est.
R'ykandar Korra'ti
Seattle, Washington
Falwell blames gays, liberal groups for terrorist attacks
Anti-gay advocate makes remarks on '700 Club' broadcast; Robertson nods
by Lou Chibbaro Jr.
Washington Blade
(c) 2001, Window Media LLC
WASHINGTON, Thursday, Sept. 13 -- The Rev. Jerry Falwell said gays, feminists, "pagans," and a host of liberal advocacy groups have made "God mad" and must share the blame for the terrorist attacks this week that took the lives of thousands of Americans at the World Trade Center in New York and at the Pentagon outside Washington.
Falwell made his remarks Thursday, Sept. 13, while appearing on the religious television program The 700 Club, hosted by the Rev. Pat Robertson. Falwell and Robertson are among the nation's strongest opponents of gay civil rights.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize American - I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen,'" Falwell said on the program, which was broadcast nationally.
-----Original Message-----
From: R'ykandar Korra'ti
Sent: Thursday, 13 September, 2001 8:20 PM
Subject: [active-l] (ACTION ITEM) Falwell and Robertson.
Now that I am minimally more composed, here's the action item.
Print out these comments. Many copies. Keep the original attributions.
Mail copies to every political figure you know. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Include a letter that says Say that ANYBODY who appears with EITHER of these TRAITORS should be OUT OF POLITICS FOREVER starting IMMEDIATELY. Play whatever angle is appropriate. The most important one: these unpatriotic anti-American bastards are taking advantage of a declaration of war against our country, in order to advance a personal and highly divisive political agenda while thousands of people have just died at the hands of terrorists. They are spitting on the graves of 5,000 dead. Depending the political figure, mentioning the blood libel against queers, pagans, ACLU members, et al., might be good too.
Their careers must end, now. Nothing else should be done to them. They did, after all, simply speak. That isn't a trial offense. And besides, there are more important things to do; now simply is not the time. But as of Thursday, 13 September 2001, they _must not matter_, and they must not matter _ever again_.
As far as I'm concerned, these two obscenities have just signed their political death warrants. Everyone must know.
Attached: Full text of article.
Falwell blames gays, liberal groups for terrorist attacks
by Lou Chibbaro Jr.
Washington Blade
(c) 2001, Window Media LLC
WASHINGTON, Thursday, Sept. 13 -- The Rev. Jerry Falwell said gays, feminists, "pagans," and a host of liberal advocacy groups have made "God mad" and must share the blame for the terrorist attacks this week that took the lives of thousands of Americans at the World Trade Center in New York and at the Pentagon outside Washington.
Falwell made his remarks Thursday, Sept. 13, while appearing on the religious television program The 700 Club, hosted by the Rev. Pat Robertson. Falwell and Robertson are among the nation's strongest opponents of gay civil rights.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize American - I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen,'" Falwell said on the program, which was broadcast nationally.
"Well, I totally concur," Robertson told Falwell, "and the problem is we have adopted their agenda at the highest levels of our government."
The comments by Falwell and Robertson came at a time when gay activists have joined leading Republicans and Democrats in calling for national unity and full, bipartisan support for President Bush's planned response to the terrorist attacks.
"The terrible tragedy that has befallen our nation, and indeed the entire global community, is the sad byproduct of fanaticism," said Lorri L. Jean, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
"It has its roots in the same fanaticism that enables people like Jerry Falwell to preach hate against those who do not think, live, or love in the exact same way he does," Jean said.
"The tragedies that have occurred this week did not occur because someone made God mad, as Mr. Falwell asserts," Jean continued, in a statement released Sept. 13. "They occurred because of hate, pure and simple."
In separate statements released this week, the national gay groups Log Cabin Republicans and National Stonewall Democrats condemned the terrorist attacks and declared their support for President Bush's efforts to respond to the incidents.
"Gay and Lesbian Americans across the nation are united today," said Log Cabin executive director Rich Tafel. "In the face of defending our nation together, all differences fall away, and all other issues pale in comparison."
"This week's tragedy truly asks all of us to come together as a people to bury our dead, to comfort and heal all families and to rebuild this strong nation," the National Stonewall Democrats said in a statement. "Stonewall Democrats join in solidarity with all Americans in placing our loyal support behind our national government and our president."
The group added, "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered Americans also have paid with their lives and their honor, and we join in saluting their sacrifices and those of every American who suffered these terrible, senseless events."
"Now is the time to join together behind our president and our government in defense of our nation," said Tafel of the Log Cabin group.
See Related Stories:
Anti-gay advocate makes remarks on '700 Club' broadcast; Robertson nods approval
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